大清后宫 10.0


导演:艾什莉·麦肯齐  地区:2022 播出时间:2023-12-14

  Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she is in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions quickly expands the boundaries of their relationship, altering their inner chemistry.  Gilded by a soundscape that interweaves work by emerging and pioneering electronic musicians, Queens of the Qing Dynasty is an offbeat ode to neurodiversity and genderqueer individuals who refuse to conform. Director Ashley McKenzie’s blend of formalism and gritty realism does not fail to surprise and treats the audience to flashes of visual and conceptual poetry. Her cast is entirely composed of first-time actors who convincingly convey how unique every individual is, both in how they see the world and how they relate to others. Ziyin Zheng in the role of An graciously embodies a mix of idiosyncrasy and frankness that makes them an ideal confidante for Star (Sarah Walker). They have what it takes to be on the receiving end of the scrutinising gaze of Star, who sees through conventions and never ceases to be amazed at life’s bewildering events. Veering on slapstick, Walker’s performance will not go unnoticed.......


  • 高清播放
  • 1-20



  • 二宫和也,松山研一,吉高由里子,本乡奏多,夏菜,水泽奈子,千阪健介,白石隼也,伊藤步,田口智朗,山田孝之
  • 乔伊·金,罗根·勒曼,萨姆·伍尔夫,玛琳·辛科,Marina Bye,Ido Samuel,Artemisia Pagliano,Robert Dölle,加布里埃拉·卡伦,Livia Maria Sîrbu,Anita Adam Gabay,Maria Louis,André Refig,艾拉姆·奥里安,Michal Horowicz,Anghel Gabriela Sofia,Patrycja Trzoch,Eduard Moca,Anja Karmanski,Richard Keep
  • 莱昂纳多·斯巴拉格利亚 Leonardo Sbaraglia,Eva De Dominici,Erica Banchi,奥斯马·努涅斯,克劳迪奥·里西,Benicio Mutti Spinetta,Camila Zolezzi,Aldo Onofri,Richard Wagener,Diego Chavez,Erica Farías,Pablo Paoliello
  • 马伯骞,,李九霄,,高曙光,,姜武,,黄雯
  • 劳尔·布里奥内斯,特蕾莎·鲁伊斯,Alfredo Gatica,梅赛德斯·埃尔南德斯,Pierre Louis,Lizeth Selene,黛比·玛扎,丹尼尔·希梅内斯·卡乔
  • 神木隆之介,滨边美波,山田裕贵,青木崇高,吉冈秀隆,安藤樱,佐佐木藏之介
  • 吴磊,蒋勤勤,陈建斌,王佳佳,闫楠,吴彼,王宏伟,钱坤,鞠帛展,梁龙,五百,孙强,王川,马大智,吕星辰,陈禹同,陈佳宁,吴金鑫,杨棽,张楚文
  • 克里斯蒂安·史莱特,杰克·迪伦·格雷泽,里昂·丹尼尔斯,诺亚·科特雷尔,乔伊·布赖恩特,迈查拉·李,玉田百名,阿利维亚·阿林·林德,亨特·狄龙,帕蒂·古根海姆,迪兰·布鲁斯,蒂根·文泽,阿尔伯特·琼斯,梅拉尼·巴罗斯,杰夫·桑卡,阿迪纳·英斯利,Favour Onwuka,Sophia Noella,杰德·瑞斯,阿琳·邓肯
  • 芳根京子,江口德子,木村佳乃,仲间由纪惠,青木崇高,细田佳央太,富田望生,中村中,山崎静代,坂东弥十郎

